Regardless of how long you have before you plan to retire, it’s a good idea to begin thinking about the lifestyle you want to have when the time comes. Having a picture of where you want to be when you retire is the first step to getting there.
Once you have an idea of what you want for the future, take a good look at your current financial situation. Are you investing in the future now? How much can you afford to put away? Saving even a few dollars each pay period will allow your retirement savings to grow over time and keep moving you closer to a comfortable retirement.
That’s why MainePERS is pleased to offer this MaineSTART program—the easy, affordable way to save for retirement.
Below is a list of current employers offering MaineSTART.
Anson-Madison Sanitary
Aroostook County
Aroostook Waste Solutions
Auburn Housing Authority
Bangor Housing Authority
Bangor Water District
Belfast Water
Berwick Sewer
Brunswick Public Library
Brunswick Sewer
City of Bath
City of Calais
City of Gardiner
City of Lewiston
City of Westbrook School Support
Cumberland County
Fort Fairfield Housing
Houlton Water Company
Kennebec Water
Kennebec Sanitary Treatment
Kennebunk Light and Power
Kennebunk Sewer
Lewiston Auburn Water Pollution
Madawaska Water
Maine Educational Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Maine Municipal Bond Bank
Maine School Management Assn
Maine School Science & Math
Maine Veterans’ Homes
MSAD#13 (Bingham)
MSAD# 31 (Howland)
Municipal Review Committee
North Berwick Water
Norway Water
Old Town Housing Authority
Old Town Water
Portland Housing Authority
RSU 20
RSU 25
RSU 71
RSU 73
Sagadahoc County
Sanford Sewerage
Sanford Water
South Berwick Water
Town of St. Agatha
Town of China
Town of Damariscotta
Town of Dexter
Town of East Millinocket
Town of Easton
Town of Eliot
Town of Fort Kent
Town of Freeport
Town of Greenville
Town of Jay
Town of Kennebunk
Town of Levant
Town of Madawaska
Town of Norway
Town of Orrington
Town of Searsport
Town of Skowhegan
Town of Union
Town of Vassalboro
Town of Waldoboro
Town of Windham
Town of Winthrop
Waterville Sewer
Winthrop Utilities
Yarmouth Water
York Sewer
York Water
If your employer is not on the list and eligible, we’ll provide them with the information they need to get started. Contact us today!